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Compact Scooters

Compact scooters are suitable for those who need to transport an electric mobility scooter on a regular basis. They are easily folded up (thus the name compact scooters) so you can pop them in the car and use them once you reach your destination. Compact scooters are smaller than most other electric mobility scooters making them more manoeuvrable, ideal for shops and around the house.

Pride Apex Lite 

Modern, lightweight and agile the Pride Apex Lite. The Apex Lite features stylish 8 inch alloy wheels, detachable frame design and a comfortable folding seat aiding for a smoother more enjoyable journey.

Pride Apex Rapid 

 Sleek style and luxurious features. Introducing the first travel mobility scooter from ‘Pride® Travel Scooter’ range to feature ground breaking all-round suspension.

Pride Apex Alumalite 

Experience the convenience of a lightweight, compact travel scooter. Available in colours Black, Blue and Red 

Pride Endurance Lithium 

Lithium meets portability. With the Go-Go Endurance Li travelling has never been easier. Available with 8 amp or 16 amp Lithium battery 

One Rehab Vogue Scooter

The Vogue provides the ultimate in luxury, comfort and ease of use. The advanced engineered full front and rear suspension complete with the fully adjustable padded seat gives a comfortable driving experience.

One Rehab Illusion Scooter

The Illusion is a revolutionary lightweight but strong scooter which can be dissassembled into parts for easy lifting, the heaviest part weighing only 10kg

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